Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Questions Left byThe Boston Massacre
Questions Left byThe Boston Massacre The Boston Massacre occurred on March 5, 1770, and is considered one of the main events leading to the American Revolution. Historic records of the skirmish include well-documented records of events and often conflicting testimony of supposed eyewitnesses. As a British sentry was being heckled by an angry and growing crowd of colonists, a nearby squad of British soldiers fired a volley of musket shots killing three colonists immediately and mortally wounding two others. Among the victims was Crispus Attucks, a 47-year old man of mixed African and Native American descent, and now widely regarded as the first American killed in the American Revolution. The British officer in charge, Captain Thomas Preston, along with eight of his men, were arrested and made to stand trial for manslaughter. While they were all acquitted, their actions in the Boston Massacre is regarded today as one of most significant acts of British abuse that rallied colonial Americans to the Patriot cause. Boston in 1770 Throughout the 1760s, Boston had been a very uneasy place. Colonists had increasingly been harassing British customs officials who were attempting to enforce the so-called Intolerable Acts. In October 1768, Britain began housing troops in Boston to protect the customs officials. Angry but largely non-violent clashes between the soldiers and the colonists had become commonplace. On March 5, 1770, however, the clashes became deadly. Promptly deemed a â€Å"massacre†by Patriot leaders, word of the day’s events quickly spread throughout the 13 colonies in a famous engraving by Paul Revere. The Events of the Boston Massacre On the morning of March 5, 1770, a small group of colonists was up to their usual sport of tormenting British soldiers. By many accounts, there was a great deal of taunting that eventually lead to an escalation of hostilities. The sentry in front of the Custom House eventually lashed out at the colonists which brought more colonists to the scene. In fact, someone began ringing the church bells which usually signified a fire. The sentry called for help, setting up the clash which we now call the Boston Massacre. A group of soldiers led by Captain Thomas Preston came to the rescue of the lone sentry. Captain Preston and his detachment of seven or eight men were quickly surrounded. All attempts to calm the crowd proved useless. At this point, the accounts of the event vary drastically. Apparently, a soldier fired a musket into the crowd, immediately followed by more shots. This action left several wounded and five dead including an African-American named Crispus Attucks. The crowd quickly dispersed, and the soldiers went back to their barracks. These are the facts we do know. However, many uncertainties surround this important historical event: Did the soldiers fire with provocation?Did they fire on their own?Was Captain Preston guilty of ordering his men to fire into a crowd of civilians?Was he innocent and being used by men like Samuel Adams to confirm the oft-claimed tyranny of England? The only evidence historians have to try and determine Captain Prestons guilt or innocence is the testimony of the eyewitnesses. Unfortunately, many of the statements conflict with each other and with Captain Prestons own account. We must try to piece together a hypothesis from these conflicting sources. Captain Preston's Account Captain Preston claimed he ordered his men to load their weapons.Captain Preston claimed he heard the crowd yelling fire.Captain Preston claimed they were attacked by heavy clubs and snowballs.Captain Preston claimed a soldier was hit by a stick and then fired.Captain Preston claimed the other soldiers fired in response to the colonist attack.Captain Preston claimed he reprimanded his men for firing into the crowd without orders. Eyewitness Statements in Support of Captain Preston's Statement Witnesses including Peter Cunningham claimed they heard Captain Preston order his men to load their weapons.Witnesses including Richard Palmes claimed they asked Captain Preston if he intended to fire and he said no.Witnesses including William Wyatt claimed the crowd was calling for the soldiers to fire.Witnesses including James Woodall claimed they saw a stick thrown and hit a soldier, which prompted him to fire, quickly followed by several other soldiers.Witnesses including Peter Cunningham claimed an officer other than Preston was behind the men and that he ordered the soldiers to fire.Witnesses including William Sawyer claimed the crowd threw snowballs at the soldiers.Witnesses including Matthew Murray claimed they did not hear Captain Preston order his men to fire.William Wyatt claimed that Captain Preston reprimanded his men for firing into the crowd.Edward Hill claimed that Captain Preston made a soldier put away his weapon instead of allowing him to continue to shoot. Eyewitness Statements Opposed to Captain Preston's Statement Witnesses including Daniel Calef claimed that Captain Preston ordered his men to fire.Henry Knox claimed the soldiers were hitting and pushing with their muskets.Joseph Petty claimed he did not see any sticks thrown at the soldiers until after the firing.Robert Goddard claimed he heard Captain Preston curse his men for not firing when ordered.Several soldiers including Hugh White claimed they heard the order to fire and believed they were obeying his commands. The facts are unclear. There is some evidence that seems to point to Captain Prestons innocence. Many people close to him did not hear him give the order to fire despite his order to load the muskets. In the confusion of a crowd throwing snowballs, sticks, and insults at the soldiers, it would be easy for them to think they received an order to fire. In fact, as noted in the testimony, many in the crowd were calling them to fire. The Trial and Acquittal of Captain Preston Hoping to show Britain the impartiality of colonial courts, patriot leaders John Adams and Josiah Quincy volunteered to defend Captain Preston and his soldiers. Based on a lack of substantiated evidence, Preston and six of his men were acquitted. Two others were found guilty of manslaughter and were released after being branded on the hand. Because of the lack of evidence, it is not hard to see why the jury found Captain Preston innocent. The effect of this verdict was much greater than the Crown could ever have guessed. The leaders of the rebellion were able to use it as proof of Britains tyranny. While it was not the only instance of unrest and violence before the revolution, the Boston Massacre is often pointed to as the event that presaged the Revolutionary War. Like the Maine, Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, and September 11, 2001, Terror Attacks, the Boston Massacre became the rallying cry for the Patriots.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Khotan - Capital of an Oasis State on the Silk Road
Khotan - Capital of an Oasis State on the Silk Road Khotan (also spelled Hotian, or Hetian) is the name of a major oasis and city on the ancient Silk Road, a trade network that connected Europe, India, and China across the vast desert regions of central Asia beginning more than 2,000 years ago. Khotan Fast Facts Khotan was the capital of the ancient kingdom of Yutian, beginning in the 3rd century BCE.It is located at the western end of the Tarim basin in what is today Xinjiang Province of China.One of a handful of states who controlled trade and traffic on the Silk Road between India, China, and Europe. Its main exports were camels and green jade. Khotan was the capital of an important ancient kingdom called Yutian, one of a handful of strong and more or less independent states who controlled travel and trade throughout the region for well over a thousand years. Its competitors at this western end of the Tarim basin included Shule and Suoju (also known as Yarkand). Khotan is located in south Xinjiang province, the westernmost province in modern China. Its political power was derived from its location on two rivers in the southern Tarim Basin of China, the Yurung-Kash and the Qara-Kash, south of the vast, nearly impassable Taklamakan Desert. According to historical records, Khotan was a double colony, settled first in the third century BCE by an Indian prince, one of several sons of the legendary King Asoka [304–232 BCE] who were expelled from India after Asokas conversion to Buddhism. A second settlement was by an exiled Chinese king. After a battle, the two colonies merged. Trade Networks on the Southern Silk Road Endless dune in Taklamakan desert, in southern Xinjiang province of China.  Feng Wei Photography / Getty Images The Silk Road should be called the Silk Roads because there were several different wandering pathways across Central Asia. Khotan was on the main southern route of the Silk Road, which began at the city of Loulan, close to the entry of the Tarim River into Lop Nor. Loulan was one of the capital cities of Shanshan, a people who occupied the desert region west of Dunhuang north of Altun Shan and south of Turfan. From Loulan, the southern route led 620 miles (1,000 kilometers) to Khotan, then 370 mi (600 km) further to the foot of the Pamir mountains in Tajikistan. Reports say it took 45 days to walk from Khotan to Dunhuang; 18 days if you had a horse. Shifting Fortunes The fortunes of Khotan and the other oasis states varied over time. The Shi Ji (Records of the Grand Historian, written by Sima Qian in 104–91 BCE, implies that Khotan controlled the entire route from Pamir to Lop Nor, a distance of 1,000 mi (1,600 km). But according to the Hou Han Shu (Chronicle of the Eastern Han or Later Han Dynasty, 25–220 CE) and written by Fan Ye, who died in 455 CE, Khotan only controlled a section of the route from Shule near Kashgar to Jingjue, an east-west distance of 500 mi (800 km). What is perhaps most likely is that the independence and power of the oasis states varied with the power of its clients. The states were intermittently and variously under the control of China, Tibet or India: In China, they were always known as the western regions, regardless of who currently controlled them. For example, China controlled traffic along the southern route when political issues cropped up during the Han Dynasty about 119 BCE. Then, the Chinese decided that although it would be beneficial to maintain the trade route, the territory was not critically important, so the oasis states were left to control their own destiny for the next few centuries. Commerce and Trade Trade along the Silk Road was a matter of luxury rather than necessity because the long distances and limits of camels and other pack animals meant that only high-value goods- in particular in relation to their weight- could be economically carried. An Imperial Khotan-Green Jade Seal from the Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Period.  Marco Secchi / Getty Images The main export item from Khotan was jade: the Chinese imported green Khotanese jade beginning at least as long ago as 1200 BCE. By the Han Dynasty (206 BCE–220 CE), Chinese exports traveling through Khotan were primarily silk, lacquer, and bullion, and they were exchanged for jade from central Asia, cashmere and other textiles including wool and linen from the Roman empire, glass from Rome, grape wine and perfumes, slaves, and exotic animals such as lions, ostriches, and zebu, including the celebrated horses of Ferghana. During the Tang dynasty (618–907 CE), the main trade goods moving through Khotan were textiles (silk, cotton, and linen), metals, incense, and other aromatics, furs, animals, ceramics and precious minerals. Minerals included lapis lazuli from Badakshan, Afghanistan; agate from India; coral from the ocean shore in India; and pearls from Sri Lanka. Khotan Horse Coins Six Zhu Sino-Kharosthi coin with the image of a horse surrounded by Kharosthi script, circa 1st-2nd century CE. Gohyuloong One evidence that the commercial activities of Khotan must have extended at least from China to Kabul along the Silk Road, is that indicated by the presence of Khotan horse coins, copper/bronze coins found all along the southern route and in its client states. Khotan horse coins (also called Sino-Kharosthi coins) bear both Chinese characters and the Indian Kharosthi script denoting the values 6 zhu or 24 zhu on one side, and the image of a horse and the name of an Indo-Greek king Hermaeus at Kabul on the reverse side. Zhu was both a monetary unit and a weight unit in ancient China. Scholars believe Khotan horse coins were used between the first century BCE and the second century CE. The coins are inscribed with six different names (or versions of names) of kings but some scholars argue that those are all differently-spelled versions of the same kings name. Khotan and Silk Khotans best-known legend is that it was ancient Serindia, where the West is said to have first learned of the art of silk making. There is no doubt that by the 6th century CE, Khotan had become the center of silk production in Tarim; but how silk moved out of eastern China into Khotan is a tale of intrigue. The story is that a king of Khotan (perhaps Vijaya Jaya, who reigned about 320 CE) convinced his Chinese bride to smuggle seeds of the mulberry tree and silkworm pupa cases hidden in her hat on her way to Khotan. A fully sizeable silkworm culture (called sericulture) was established in Khotan by the 5th–6th centuries, and it is likely to have taken at least one or two generations to get it started. History and Archaeology at Khotan Documents referring to Khotan include Khotanese, Indian, Tibetan, and Chinese documents. Historic figures who reported visits to Khotan include the wandering Buddhist monk Faxian, who visited there in 400 CE, and the Chinese scholar Zhu Shixing, who stopped there between 265–270 CE, searching for a copy of the ancient Indian Buddhist text Prajnaparamita. Sima Qian, the writer of the Shi Ji, visited in the mid-second century BCE. The first official archaeological excavations at Khotan were conducted by Aurel Stein in the early 20th century, but looting of the site began as early as the 16th century. Sources and Further Information Bo, Bi, and Nicholas Sims-Williams. Sogdian Documents from Khotan, II: Letters and Miscellaneous Fragments. Journal of the American Oriental Society 135.2 (2015): 261-82. Print.De Crespigny, Rafe. Some Notes on the Western Regions . Journal of Asian History 40.1 (2006): 1-30. Print.è ¥ ¿Ã¥Å¸Å¸Ã‚ ; in Later HanDe La Vaissià ¨re, Étienne. Silk, Buddhism Bulletin of the Asia Institute 24 (2010): 85-87. Print.and Early Khotanese Chronology: A Note on the Prophecy of the Li Country.Fang, Jiann-Neng, et al. Sino-Kharosthi and Sino-Brahmi Coins from the Silk Road of Western China Identified with Stylistic and Mineralogical Evidence. Geoarchaeology 26.2 (2011): 245-68. Print.Jiang, Hong-En, et al. A Consideration of the Involucre Remains of Coix Lacryma-Jobi L. (Poaceae) in the Sampula Cemetery (2000 Years Bp), Xinjiang, China. Journal of Archaeological Science 35 (2008): 1311-16. Print.Rong, Xinjiang, and Xin Wen. Newly Discovered Chinese-Khotanese Bilingual Tallies. Journal o f Inner Asian Art and Archaeology 3 (2008): 99-118. Print.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Introduction to Human Resource Management Essay - 1
Introduction to Human Resource Management - Essay Example that employee-related laws were followed, and that all staff members were following the company’s policies and procedures (Cafà © Co Case Study, 2009). Also, the company’s hard HRM approach made the HR manager less of a director of HR but more of a policy-maker to make sure employees followed the company rules and regulations. Allen (2007) also describes the soft HRM approach which deals with issues of human behaviour, making sure that people are led rather than managed, are communicated with effectively and are motivated by leadership. The soft HRM approach views staff members are being important to meeting strategic goals and should be treated as valuable assets to achieving what the company wants to accomplish. One aspect of the Harvard model of HR outlines that people should be given rewards for their support to meeting goals (HRM Guide, 2007). After the review of Cafà © Co HR policies, this approach was undertaken with performance management systems and attempts to increase pay. The HR manager role, now as a member of the Board, already has a difficult time trying to improve existing HR policy at the company. Being in such a high position does not give Kim first-hand access to in-store employee behaviours, skills and abilities, therefore the line manager must take on this role in order to provide fair and accurate employee assessments. One HR expert offers that in order to have a good HR policy, line managers should â€Å"interview job applicants, provide training, carry out disciplinary procedures, and provide performance ratings†(Kleiman, 2007). Because there is already such a high turnover rate at Cafà © Co due to HR being unable to perform these tasks, it is both logical and benefitting to the business to have line managers take on these responsibilities since they are the regular point of contact for in-store staff activities, skills and behaviours. Kim simply cannot do this with her busy job role. Ulrich’s first role is being a strategic partner,
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
International retailing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
International retailing - Essay Example On the 28th of July in 2006 Wal-Mart sold its 85 chain German outlets to Metro AG, which is a diversified cash and carry retail chain that has Germany's largest market share (Clark, 2006)1. 1997 marked the year that Wal-Mart entered Germany when it completed negotiations to acquire 21 outlets belonging to the Wertkauf hypermarket chain (Wal-Mart Facts.com, 2007)2. This was following by Wal-Mart acquiring 74 stores of the Interspar hypermarket chain that is a subsidiary of Spar Handels AG (Wal-Mart Facts.com, 2007)3. The preceding represented Wal-Mart's entry into the European market, using Germany as the launch point. Listening to customers represents one of the first and most important aspects in entering a foreign market as the nuances of consumers differs in their respective countries, thereby requiring adjustments in marketing, presentation, operational and other procedures. Wal-Mart's extraordinarily successful American operations that meshed leading edge marketing, a new approach to its corporate culture as well as organisational structures, resulting in the company being vaulted into the largest and most successful retailer in the world. ... The preceding success in the United States does not necessarily represent an effective, and or workable game plan in other markets. Given Wal-Mart's reputation and successes, the company only entered the international market in 1991 that pales in comparison to Carrefour, which has been retailing in foreign markets for in excess of thirty years (Incandela et al, 1999)4. The international market represents a different set of challenges, experiences as well as internal operating dictates that need to be understood and incorporated into a retailer's operational mode, a lesson that Wal-Mart learned in Germany. This study shall delve into Wal-Mart's entry into the German market to determine the reasons as to why it was not successful there. Wal-Mart and Germany Wal-Mart's lack of success in Germany is a classic example of using a business model that is not applicable in terms of the market it is applied in. A look into the facets that represented a contribution to the foregoing entails delving into the market entry strategies as well as operational tactics that were employed, with the foregoing compared with market entry and expansion theories as well as practices. Wal-Mart's entry into Germany represented the fact that it has the largest market in Europe as represented by its population, strong economic underpinnings, affluence of its citizens as well as the awareness of products made in the United States (United States Department of Agriculture, 2004)5. Germany ranks third internationally in terms of consumer food expenditures (United States Department of Agriculture, 2004)6. Critical recommendations as offered by the United States Department of
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Father of Modern Management Essay Example for Free
Father of Modern Management Essay The satisfaction of social needs is something that is achievable for most individuals. People can meet others who share similar interests by joining relevant clubs or associations and can mix with peers by attending relevant social functions. There are also dating agencies and dinner clubs for those who are seeking companionship. Where social services are often required to assist is when a person is unable to easily or practically address these social needs, for example, someone who is elderly or housebound. Organisations such as Age Concern provide facilities like luncheon clubs and day centres, where individuals can benefit from company and conversation. They also collate information on other available resources like reminiscence and friendship groups (Age Concern, 2008). There are many routes to satisfying esteem needs. These include finding challenges of a vocational or academic nature or becoming part of a community group to gain a sense of achievement and social inclusion. For some, actively satisfying their own esteem needs can be a daunting process. Where social services can assist is in providing accessible services in a variety of formats. One example is the Gateway Team, part of Poole Social Services (Borough of Poole, 2008) who list their aim as: To enable adults in Poole to achieve, maintain and enjoy emotional and social well-being through the provision of a specialised service. This includes free psychology and counselling services and workshops aimed at addressing anxiety and depression or providing assertiveness training. It also focuses on actively helping individuals to attain social inclusion by providing ideas for getting involved in the local community. Additionally, help is given by sourcing self-help material in the form of books or online resources. The Gateway Team is merely one localized example to highlight available support but this picture is replicated throughout the country with the provision of services available from local authorities, charities, volunteer groups and private organisations. Moving on to self-actualisation, it is important to differentiate between this level and the others within Maslows Hierarchy of Needs. As it is concerned with a constantly evolving set of ambitions rather than a basic set of needs, self-actualisation does not require a safety net provided by social services. However, the social services framework can be utilised by enterprising individuals to help realise their potential. For example, undertaking volunteer work can build confidence, increase social networks and heighten the sense of well-being. Additionally, career prospects can be significantly enhanced as 73% of employers would employ a candidate with volunteering experience over one without (TimeBank, 2008). In conclusion, this essay has demonstrated that social services, in the widest definition of the term, provide a wide range of facilities to address the Hierarchy of Needs as set out by Maslow. Although society is far from perfect and the eradication of neither poverty nor suffering is likely to be achieved, the assistance available in this country to those in need is comprehensive. Imagine what life was like for those most in need before the welfare state was established and before charities and other caring organisations became widespread. Consequently, the aim should be to bolster this supportive network and make it the very best it can be. Just like people, social services must continue to strive to fulfil its potential. Reference List Abraham Maslow Father of Modern Management (2007) Available from: http://www. abraham-maslow. com/m_motivation/Hierarchy_of_Needs. asp [Accessed: 4 October 2008]. Age Concern Kingston upon Thames (2008) Social Activities [online]. Available from: http://www. ageconcernkingston. org/whatwedo_socialactivities. htm [Accessed: 5 October 2008]. BBC News Online (2004) Homeless Face More Violent Crime [online]. Available from: http://news. bbc. co. uk/1/hi/uk/4099727. stm [Accessed: 5 October 2008].
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Evolution of Land Mammals :: essays research papers
Evolution of land animals THE LARGEST genetic study ever performed to learn when land plants and fungi first appeared on the Earth has revealed a plausible biological cause for two major climate events: the Snowball Earth eras, when ice periodically covered the globe, and the era called the Cambrian Explosion, which produced the first fossils of almost all major categories of animals living today. According to the authors of the study, Science, plants paved the way for the evolution of land animals by simultaneously increasing the percentage of oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere and decreasing the percentage of carbon dioxide, a powerful greenhouse gas. "Our research shows that land plants and fungi evolved much earlier than previously thought--before the Snowball Earth and Cambrian Explosion events--suggesting their presence could have had a profound effect on the climate and the evolution of life on Earth," says Blair Hedges, an evolutionary biologist and leader of the Penn State research team that performed the study. The researchers found that land plants had evolved on Earth by about 700 million years ago and land fungi by about 1,300 million years ago--much earlier than previous estimates of around 480 million years ago, which were based on the earliest fossils of those organisms. Prior to this study, it was believed that Earth's landscape at that time was covered with barren rocks harboring nothing more than some bacteria and possibly some algae. No undisputed fossils of the earliest land plants and fungi have been found in rocks formed during the Precambrian period, says Hedges, possibly because their primitive bodies were too soft to turn into fossils.The early appearance on the land of fungi and plants suggests their plausible role in both the mysterious lowering of the Earth's surface temperature during the series of Snowball Earth events roughly 750 million to 580 million years ago and the sudden appearance of many new species of fossil animals during the Cambrian Explosion era roughly 530 million years ago. "Both the lowering of the Earth's surface temperature and the evolution of many new types of animals could result from a decrease in atmospheric carbon dioxide and a rise in oxygen caused by presence on land of lichen fungi and plants at this time, which our research suggests," Hedges says. "An increase in land plant abundance may have occurred at the time just before the period known as the Cambrian Explosion, when the next Snowball Earth period failed to occur because temperatures did not get quite cold enough," Hedges says.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Nursing and Early Childhood Education Essay
Since as long as I can remember I have wanted to be a doctor. I wanted to â€Å"fix†people when they were sick and make them feel better. I am also a very compassionate person and friends and family know they can always come to me if they have something going on. My main goal in life, if I never accomplish anything else, is to make a difference, for the better, in someone’s life. I think by being a nurse I have a good chance of completing my life goal. I started out wanting to be a doctor since I was about 5 years old. I was always in â€Å"advanced†classes all throughout grade school and into high school. I even started college with majoring in chemical engineering with the pre-med option. I was not at all interested in chemical engineering but had been told it would look better on my application into medical school if I had a harder major. By the spring I had changed my mind and my major was now early childhood education. It was such a huge change that I basically only realized I had no idea what I wanted to do. I ended taking some time off school to work and figure things out with what I wanted to be since I couldn’t keep saying I would when I grew up because it reality I was a grown up. I went to school one summer and got CLEET certified to be a security guard and never ended up actually working in that field because the interest just wasn’t there. Then two years ago I heard how easy it is to get a job if you have some kind of medical license or certificate and that you will always have a job since they are in such high demand. I then decided to go to school to be a certified nurse aide (CNA). I immediate got a job working in a nursing home after I got my CNA license and realized it was true about how easy it was to find a job. I wasn’t to fond of the atmosphere in a nursing home but I loved my job. I loved being able to help those people with Andrea Whisman September 6, 2014 Intro to Nursing tasks they weren’t able to do themselves. That’s when I decided to go to nursing school instead of being a CNA for the rest of my life (It wasn’t a liveable wage by any means). I did a year of an associate program of nursing school and I still very much loved it but it was not a good school at all. That is when I found SNU and started looking into their program. As soon as I stepped onto campus I knew this is where I wanted to continue my journey. Part of me still wants to go to medical school and become a doctor but I also want to complete something first. I can’t keep running from being a grown up by not making a career choice. I plan to complete nursing school and take the extra classes I need to even apply to medical school that way I will still have my bachelor’s degree and can start working but if I do decide to apply to medical school I can.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Talk Show
TALKSHOW SCRIPT Dr. X:Hello and welcome to Your Life Sucks, Get Over It. Today’s topic will be violent relationships and why the heck people stay in them. We have 5 very special people on the show today. Now, first we have to get to know you. Please state your name and blood type. Tom: What does blood type have to do with ANYTHING? Dr X: Just answer the question. Tom: Uh†¦Tom†¦and I don’t know my blood type†¦ Dr X: Right then. And you, please state your name and blood type Elsa: Elsa, and why do YOU have to know my blood type? Dr. X: Because it’s MY show.YOU’RE just on it because your life sucks! Elsa: No. That’s Caitlin. NOT ME!! Dr. X: O†¦k†¦and you, name and blood type. Saint: My name’s Saint†¦and I love football. Dr. X: Wait, REAL name and BLOOD TYPE!! Saint: Patrick, and I love FOOTBALL!! Dr X: Ok, we know you like football. Now state your blood type. Saint: FFFOOOOOOTTTTTTTBBBBBBAAAAAAAAALLLLLL!!!!!!! Dr X: You know what, forget it. And you, name and blood type. Mario: Mario Ortega, blood type AB negative. Dr X: Ok, good. And you? AJ: (Starts to cry)†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Mario: That’s AJ. He’s a little EMOtional.AJ: AHHHHHHHHH, what? Dr X: All right then. Let’s get started. So, who actually has BEEN in a violent relationship? All:†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. AJ†¦AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Dr X: Anyone? Mario:†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Me. Dr X: All right, now we got a show going! So tell us, Mario, what role did you play in the violent relationship? Mario: The violent one. Audience: OOOOOOOOOOOO!! Dr X: Hmm. What did you do to her†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. or him? Mario: Uh, her, and I pushed my pregnant wife out a moving car. Audience: BOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Dr X: Why? AJ: TO MANY QUESTIONS!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Mario: O†¦k†¦My father got on my nerves.D r X: Oh, I see. You were mad at your FATHER so you pushed your WIFE out a moving car. That makes PERFECT sense!! Moving on! Mario: No, wait, that’s not what I†¦ Dr X: Tom, you’ve been quiet. What’s up with you? AJ: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Tom: SHUT UP!!!!!! AJ: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Tom: Thank you. Anyway†¦. AJ: (stabs self with pencil) Tom: (Looking at AJ) Uhhhh†¦ Can I move? Dr X: NO!! As you were saying. Tom: (Still looking at AJ) My best friend Nick was in a violent relationship. Dr X: (rubbing chin) Interesting. So how did this affect you? Tom: Ummm, I felt uncomfortable?Dr X: GOOD!!! AJ: AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! All (including audience): SHUT UP!!!!!!!! AJ: (whimpers) Dr X: Ok, Eliza†¦. Elsa: It’s ELSA!!! Dr X: How do you fit into all this? Elsa: MY best friend Caitlin was in the violent relationship with HIS best friend Nick. (Points to Tom) Tom: Don’t you point at ME like that!!!! I didnâ €™t have ANYTHING to do with it!!! Elsa: (Still pointing at Tom) I’ll point where it want to!!! AJ: AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Saint: I like football! Dr X: THIS IS NOT THE JERRY SPRINGER SHOW! THIS IS MY SHOW AND THERE WILL BE NO FIGHTING ON MY SHOW!DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR! (Everyone but AJ is absolutely quiet. AJ is still crying. Someone in the audience coughs. ) Dr X: We’ll be right back after this commercial break. Dr X: Welcome back to Your Life Sucks, Get Over It. (Looks to Tom and Elsa, who are on opposite sides of the stage. ) We were just getting to Saint. Saint: Foot†¦ Dr X: DON’T YOU SAY FOOTBALL!!!!!!! Saint†¦soccer†¦. Dr X: (dirty look to Saint) All right now. How do you fit into this? Saint: I’m Caitlin’s new boyfriend. Dr X: And how did this come about? Saint: After Nick beat Caitlin up, I asked her out.Dr X: So you were taking advantage of that vulnerability she was going through just after she and Nick broke up. Saint: Noâ € ¦ Dr X: Now, Mario, do you know anything about this particular violent relationship? What’s your connection to it? Mario: I was Nick’s anger management teacher when Caitlin got a restraining order on Nick. Dr X: So you teach an anger management class when you have your own anger problems? Mario: I got over my anger problems. Dr X: Right. So, since you’re in charge of the anger management class, why do you think that Nick beat up Caitlin?Mario: She did something he didn’t want her to do and felt like he needed to take control of her by showing her that he was in charge. Dr X: I see. Now, AJ, you’ve done nothing but cry and stab yourself with a pencil. Just where do you come into this? AJ: AHHHHHHHHHH!!! Dr X: STOP THAT CRYING!! (AJ stops crying) Now, answer the question. AJ: †¦I was in Nick’s anger management class. Everyone in there was under court orders to take the class. Everyone in there had hit his girlfriend. We all felt like we needed to control something, or someone, so we tried to control our girlfriends.Dr X: Hmm. Eliza†¦ Elsa: IT’S ELSA!! Dr X: What do you think caused Nick to feel the need to control people? Elsa: How am I supposed to know? I don’t know him; I don’t even like him! Dr X: Tom, you were Nick’s best friend, what do you think caused it? Tom: Problems at home. He and his dad didn’t exactly get along. Dr X: What do you think caused that? Tom: Nick’s dad beat him up. Dr X: Elizabeth†¦ Elsa: IT’S ELSA!! Dr X: Were there any signs before Nick beat Caitlin up that Caitlin was in a violent relationship? Elsa: Yes. Dr X: What were they?Elsa: Nick made Caitlin spend all her spare time around him, Nick made her stop hanging out with me, he always had to know where she was, he told her what to do, he even slapped her and left a big red nark on her face. Then Caitlin tried to break up with Nick, but he gave her a ring and she went out with him again, even though I confronted them both about that mark on her face. They both denied that he did that to her, but I know he did it. Dr X: Well, now you know the signs and the reasons. Make sure your life doesn’t suck because of a violent relationship. Until next time!
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on Battle of Verdun
During the First World War Verdun was a fortified French garrison town on the River Meuse 200km east of Paris. In December 1915, General Erich von Falkenhayn, Chief of Staff of the German Army, decided to attack Verdun. Although he admitted he would be unable to break through at these point on the Western Front, he argued that in defending Verdun, the Germans would "bleed the French army white". The German attack on Verdun started on 21st February 1916. A million troops, led by Crown Prince Wilhelm, faced only about 200,000 French defenders. The following day the French was forced to retreat to their second line of trenches. By 24th February the French had moved back to the third line and were only 8km from Verdun. On 24th February, General Henri-Philippe Petain was appointed commander of the Verdun sector. He gave orders that no more withdrawals would take place. He arranged for every spare French soldier to this part of the Western Front. Of the 330 infantry regiments of the French Army, 259 eventually fought at Verdun. The German advance was brought to a halt at the end of February. On the 6th March, the German Fifth Army launched a new attack at Verdun. The Germans advanced 3km before they were stopped in front of the area around Mort Homme Hill. The French held this strategic point until it was finally secured by the Germans on 29th May, and Fort Vaux fell on 7th June, after a long siege. Further attacks continued throughout the summer and early autumn. However, the scale of the German attacks were reduced by the need to transfer troops to defend their front-line at the Somme. The French now counter-attacked and General Charles Mangin became a national hero when the forts at Douaumont and Vaux were recaptured by 2nd November, 1916. Over the next six weeks the French infantry gained another 2km at Verdun. Verdun, the longest battle of the First World War, ended on the 18th December. The French Army lost about 550,000 men a... Free Essays on Battle of Verdun Free Essays on Battle of Verdun During the First World War Verdun was a fortified French garrison town on the River Meuse 200km east of Paris. In December 1915, General Erich von Falkenhayn, Chief of Staff of the German Army, decided to attack Verdun. Although he admitted he would be unable to break through at these point on the Western Front, he argued that in defending Verdun, the Germans would "bleed the French army white". The German attack on Verdun started on 21st February 1916. A million troops, led by Crown Prince Wilhelm, faced only about 200,000 French defenders. The following day the French was forced to retreat to their second line of trenches. By 24th February the French had moved back to the third line and were only 8km from Verdun. On 24th February, General Henri-Philippe Petain was appointed commander of the Verdun sector. He gave orders that no more withdrawals would take place. He arranged for every spare French soldier to this part of the Western Front. Of the 330 infantry regiments of the French Army, 259 eventually fought at Verdun. The German advance was brought to a halt at the end of February. On the 6th March, the German Fifth Army launched a new attack at Verdun. The Germans advanced 3km before they were stopped in front of the area around Mort Homme Hill. The French held this strategic point until it was finally secured by the Germans on 29th May, and Fort Vaux fell on 7th June, after a long siege. Further attacks continued throughout the summer and early autumn. However, the scale of the German attacks were reduced by the need to transfer troops to defend their front-line at the Somme. The French now counter-attacked and General Charles Mangin became a national hero when the forts at Douaumont and Vaux were recaptured by 2nd November, 1916. Over the next six weeks the French infantry gained another 2km at Verdun. Verdun, the longest battle of the First World War, ended on the 18th December. The French Army lost about 550,000 men a...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Thing Only You Can Bring to Your Writing
The Thing Only You Can Bring to Your Writing Today’s guest post is by James Scott Bell. Bell is a bestselling thriller author and writing teacher. His seminal book, Plot Structure, has been the #1 craft book from Writer’s Digest Books for over a decade. At a recent workshop I was teaching, I began by showing a clip from the amusing Albert Brooks film, The Muse. It’s the story of a middle-aged screenwriter facing a career crisis (which, in Hollywood, is almost redundant). Early on, Brooks is having lunch with a studio honcho who is about fifteen years his junior. Brooks has submitted an action script and wants feedback. The honcho says, â€Å"Let me put this in a form that’s not insulting, because I tend to be too direct. All my friends tell me that. The script’s no good.†Brook says, â€Å"That's the form that’s not insulting? What would the insulting form be?†When Brooks asks what’s wrong with the script, the honcho replies, â€Å"What’s wrong with the script ... is you.†Brooks presses for more specifics. The honcho finally says, â€Å"You’ve lost your edge.†Brooks looks at him with that Albert Brooks existential-angst expression he has practically trademarked. The honcho further states that the studio needs Brooks to vacate his office so Brian De Palma can have it. â€Å"You can’t give Brian De Palma my office!†Brooks says. â€Å"It’s not really your office,†the honcho replies. â€Å"We’re all just using space here. I’m where Lucille Ball used to be.†â€Å"Too bad you’re not where she is now.†In short, the lunch does not go well. After the clip, I told the class part of the reason they were at Story Masters was to avoid ever being subjected to a conversation like that. How? By finding and keeping their edge. Which every writer has, by the way. The challenge is to dig it out and give if form on the page. Just what is the edge? It’s you. It’s what sets you apart from every other writer. You are a unique human being, a package of singular experiences, passions, joys ... not to mention DNA. The trick to this edge business is marrying your distinctiveness with craft mastery and an overall strategy for your novel. Yeah, that’s all. I then showed the students a quote from a former acquisitions editor at Penguin, Marian Lizzi. She was writing about the things that cause a house to say no to a manuscript. One of these is that the book is not â€Å"remarkable/surprising/unputdownable enough†: This one is the most difficult to articulate – and yet in many ways it’s the most important hurdle to clear. Does the proposal get people excited? Will sales reps and buyers be eager to read it – and then eager to talk it up themselves?  As my first boss used to warn us green editorial assistants two decades ago the type of submission that’s the toughest to spot – and the most essential to avoid is the one that is â€Å"skillful, competent, literate, and ultimately forgettable.†These words are more important now than ever. We all know about the â€Å"tsunami of content†competing for attention and repeat business, even though so much of it is (how do I put this in a form that’s not insulting?) no good. However, a lot of it is good. Over the last nearly quarter-century of teaching the craft, I've seen the level of competent fiction rise significantly. With all of the teaching and critique-grouping and editor/agent-paneling and craft books and blogs out there, anyone with a minimal amount of talent- and a whole lot of grit- can learn to write competent fiction. Which means we have to be more than good to stand out from the morass. The edge is critical to getting us there. An old preacher once told his ministerial students that a sermon is no good unless it makes the congregation sad, mad, or glad. There is much truth in that. So try this exercise: Write down three things that make you sad, three that make you mad, and three that make you glad. (Note: just for variety, try skipping anything political!) Next, take each of these nine items and write one page about why you feel this way. Go deep. Use your life experiences, how you were raised, what you've observed, specific scenes from your past. You never have to show these pages to anyone, so rant and rave and cry all you want. Hot tears forge sharp edges. You now have nine pages of emotional response, unique to you. When you develop your main characters, give them a sad, mad, and glad set. They don’t have to overlap yours, but certainly may. Now create backstory to justify each feeling, keeping at it until you feel it too. Your edge will emerge. Follow it, put it in the sinew of your characters and the tension of your scenes. If you do that, there will be no need for an uncomfortable lunch. You can finish your book instead.   James Scott Bellis a bestselling thriller author and writing teacher. His seminal book, Plot Structure, has been the #1 craft book from Writer’s Digest Books for over a decade. A sought-after speaker at writers’ conferences, Jim’s popular course â€Å"Writing a Novel They Can’t Put Down†is now available online. You can visit his website at www.jamesscottbell.com.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Did the psychological support affect the pain of cancer patient and Essay - 1
Did the psychological support affect the pain of cancer patient and cure - Essay Example Cancer patients encounter pain while undergoing their treatment and this may affect them psychologically. Pain is noted to occur to an estimate of 70% of the patients who suffer from advanced cancer. However, research has concluded that there are measures, which can be taken to ensure that the patients manage their pain after treatment. In such cases, the patients are identified as the appraisers of their pain and they are usually encouraged to embark on an active role so that they can effectively manage their pain. A doctor is important in the scenario since they spend time educating the patients and their families on effective measures of minimizing the pain. Cancer patients encounter pain and it prevails based on the emotional context in which it is carried on, Spiegel and Classen (2008). In such cases that involve pain, psychological support is important for individuals especially if the diseases are life threatening. The psychological distress of cancer patients persists based on the clinical courses of illness such as symptom severity, and poor diagnosis, which usually have an effect of psychological welfare. However, the identification of the disease and its treatment are the major steps in the management of psychological distress of the cancer patients. Psychological support is essential on individuals who encounter psychological stress such as cancer patients. Psychological stress happens when individuals suffer from mental and emotional pressure from different diseases. Psychological stress can be because of the daily activities and upset from health conditions. When individuals feel that they cannot manage the effects of cancer, they become distressed. This has been noted to decrease the life span of the cancer patients. In Rosenbaum (2001), it is evident that distress can occur because of poor clinical outcomes. The clinical guidelines enable the doctors to asses the amount of distress on the patients and
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