Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Rhetorical Analysis Of 9 / 11 Speech - 1321 Words
On September 11, 2001, George W. Bush delivered his 9/11 Address to the Nation at 8:30 PM to all Americans. This speech, broadcasted throughout the nation from within the Oval Office just hours after the terrorist hijacking and the crash on the Twin Towers, reassured American citizens during a time of devastation and need of proper leadership. (Eidenmuller). Through rhetoric intended to convey strength and the actions America had already taken to combat this tragedy, Bush instilled hope in the American people and provided them with a sense of unification. Throughout the speech, a major rhetorical theme are the anaphoric phrases. Wrote Bush, â€Å"today, our fellow citizens, our way of life, our very freedom came under attack in a series of†¦show more content†¦From this manipulation of the word evil, one can find the more concealed connection Bush is making; between America and love. As America is the opposite of terrorists, America therefore must also be the opposite of evil, love. Due to these connections and associations, there is a greater emphasis on Bush’s other rhetoric theme, his biblical allusion. He quotes psalm 23 as, â€Å"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil for you are with me†(Kohn). From these connections, one can infer that â€Å"fearing no evil†represents the terrorists, and Bush is telling the citizens of America to be strong and not concede to fear. From the use of diction and allusions, there is a much larger emphasis of the ideas being conve yed in the speech. Bush uses ethos within his speech to establish himself to the public. Ethos is seen when he states, â€Å"Immediately following the first attack, I implemented our governments emergency response plans†(Kohn). Bush clearly establishes himself as a proficient leader. This phrase reflects in Bush’s actions, as both are clear and concise. Another statement in which one can see the same type of establishment is when Bush disclosed, â€Å"I have directed the full resources of our intelligence and law enforcement communities to find those responsible and to bring them to justice†(Kohn). In the same way, this statement like the action described is clear cut and portrays Bush as aShow MoreRelatedRhetorical Analysis Of George W. Bush s Speech1364 Words  | 6 Pages Rhetorical Analysis: 9/11 Address to the Nation When reading and watching our former president George W. Bush’s 9/11 Address to the Nation I found the speech to be ineffective. George W. Bush was president at the time of the 9/11 attacks, his speech started and ended efficiently with the appeal to pathos. Though its lack of logos overlooked this and made his speech unsuccessful. This essay will examine the President’s use of rhetorical appeals and how his speech was made for failure. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
The Dialectic Essay Topics Cover Up
The Dialectic Essay Topics Cover Up Top Dialectic Essay Topics Choices Thus, let's look at each component of dialectic essay and attempt to spell out how to organize it correctly. Another concept that's noteworthy in the area of dialectics is known as the principal contradiction, termed by Mao Zedong. The main goal of dialectics is an endeavor to solve a paradox. Even seemingly abstract concepts are created of opposites. Since you may see, the selection of topics is truly huge in regards to dialectic essay writing. There might be more than 1 objection if there are more than two conflicting viewpoints, you might introduce all them. Continue reading to find detailed information concerning the structure of dialectic essay examples. After the subject is presented from various sides, it is necessary to find verity in both positive and negative facets and produce your own conclusion based on your exploration of the matter. When the essay is ready, you should read it quite carefully and make the last adjustments. With this thesis, your essay would examine each side of the issue in a number of the exact same ways shown in the prior examples. Dietetic essay attempts to bring out ideas which are opposing in their very own way. In the very first scenario, you will have the ability to reiterate the initial idea with more certainty as you've already proven in the above mentioned analysis that the thesis in question is currently verified. The questions are a breeze to frame but the answers are not easy to conjecture. Every one of the essay subtypes requires a unique strategy. In case there's a necessity to clearly realize how to compose a dialectical essay, you ought not secure worried or panic. The cost of an essay rides on the quantity of effort the writer has to exert. Although essay writing isn't a very clear demonstration of your comprehension of the subject it's still and it'll stay an essential part of the school prospectus on various academic levels. Make your essay appear like two folks are displaying opposite viewpoint. At precisely the same time, a writer should know that the genuine nature of the paper is philosophical. Do not worry whether a topic appears to be not good enough. Most sig nificantly, you need to be non-bias towards the subject. It usually means that the topic needs to be explored in depth so as to come to a convincing conclusion. It performs the subject of the paper. You will need to show that the contradictory opinion isn't right. When picking a topic, you want to keep in mind that it should be contingent on your thesis statement that's to be interpreted at least in two distinct ways. For some students, locating an acceptable topic might be hard, either because they are perfectionists or since they have not come upon the topic that truly interests them. If you take a close look at some of dialectic essay examples, you will realize that the conclusion is composed dependent on the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the topic discussion. Since you may probably know, there are assorted types of academic essays. Now when you've faced an issue of essay writing you clearly understand that an expert help would be quite opportune. There are a number of exemplification essay topics for college students which you could adopt but of course not all of these will be applicable for your undertaking. There are a number of exemplification es say topics for college students you might adopt but, needless to say, not all them will be applicable to your undertaking. If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Dialectic Essay Topics There are a large range of suggestions to consider on a wide range of topics, so choose one that best interests you. Note that it's of terrific value to give information presenting historical maturation of the problem. Make certain you know all its peculiar features, are well conscious of the requirements, together with have critical thinking. One of the absolute most important factors is to choose dependable and credible sites. Simply be certain that the essay meets the requirements and that it answers all regions of the question if there's one. Introductory paragraph In the debut, you've got to present a thesis statement. In the introduction display your first argument that is the thesis, either in the very first paragraph or the second one. In the second circumstance, you can offer a new thesis, which should not be entirely contradictory to your initial statement.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Evidence for and against the Serotonin Hypothesis of Depression
Question: Discuss About Evidence For And Against The Serotonin Hypothesis Of Depression? Answer: Introduction The fundamental idea stating the cause of depression as a serotonin imbalance within the body elicits a discussion that can be justified as a hypothesis, which adequately deserves ample evidence to either support or dispute. The serotonin hypothesis of depression, from Dr. Schildkraust in 1965, states that low levels or lack of serotonin within the brain causes depression, a condition that could be treated by antidepressants. The hypothesis, when compared to an earlier belief, is presently discussed that the mood disorders occurring repetitively in depression are brain infections or disorders that result from a variety of factors such as various degrees of biological, genetic and environmental factors that gradually change in the brain (Sanders, 1988). The serotonin hypothesis of depression over the years has stated that low levels of serotonin in the brain nerve cells cause depression. It has led to the development of antidepressant medication such as the Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs). SSRIs work to maintain a high level of the neurotransmitter serotonin in the nerve cells of the brain by inhibiting its re absorption into the cells releasing it (Moreno and Kramer, 2002). According to Paul Andrews (2004), a professor of psychology and neuroscience at Mc Master University in Canada, the hypothesis might be incomplete since depression patients often find it hard to recover from the serotonin boosting medications. Many scientists have refuted the use of SSRIs in treatment of depression because when you accurately analyze their use, they put an obstacle in the path towards the recovery of a depressed patient instead of helping them. It occurs because, instead of them helping people to overcome depression, they interfere with the mechanisms of recovery within the brain (Louie and Meltzer, 2004). A decrease in the levels of serotonin (5-HT) has been hypothesized as the main pathogenic factor resulting to depression for almost half a century. SSRIs increase the levels of serotonin in the nerve cell spaces known as the synapses in a quick manner. In spite of this, the effect of the antidepressant will take many weeks to develop. According to Paul Andrews (2004), SSRIs work in repairing damage in the brain by the use of hormones and stress chemicals, a gradual process that takes several weeks (Louie and Meltzer, 2004). Moreover, Clomipramine, a tricyclic antidepressant (TCA), showed a similar antidepressant efficacy with other TCAs. It stopped the serotonin uptake with a higher affinity of more than 100 folds and above than other inhibitors by the noradrenalin uptake. Such pharmacological studies have supported and facilitated the hypothesis of depression. This clinical observation of an increase in the release of serotonin contributes to an anti depressant effect that has been repeatedly supported .Nevertheless, for instance, the efficacy of SSRIs versus placebos(slow) may be strong in a moderately depressed in comparison to severely depressed patients (Sanders, 1988). It is difficult to quantify the amount of serotonin used and released in a safe way by the human brain. This can be estimated from evidence about serotonin levels metabolized by the brain and by inferences from animal studies. The best evidence against the hypothesis of depression states that not less but more serotonin is used and released during an episode of depression. This is to say that patients are left in worse conditions after using antidepressants. Furthermore, many forms of depression are beneficial adaptation to stress and are natural thus this might be against the serotonin hypothesis of depression and the use of antidepressants (Louie and Meltzer, 2004). Meltzer and Louie (1987) argue that a pharmacological lessening of the functions of serotonin enhances depression; nevertheless, the primary cause cannot be entirely attributed to serotonin deficiency. In the scientific literature and the lay media, it is frequently assumed that serotonin deficiency causes depression. This theoretically attractive assumption might be an overgeneralization or be premature. Clinical presentations of depression are wide since they include various syndromes which were initially separate and various disease aspects especially in melancholic versus an endogenous depression ( Meltzer and Louie, 1987, p. 136). In such clinical manifestations that are diverse, depression could represent various overlapping sources of pain that arise from unique and distinct causes. Moreover, symptomatology in depression can also arise from diverse neurological (for example the Alzheimers disease), endocrine (Cushing disease) and immunological causes (e.g. interferon treatment). Stressors of life such as social isolation, financial difficulties, childhood trauma and job insecurity are also significant factors in depression that demonstrate the importance of the environment in depression ( Mannl , 1989). In the past 40 years , several anomalies in regards to putative biomarkers of the central serotonin functions have been repeatedly reported in patients with depression, indicating that a deficiency in serotonin could be evidenced in depression especially the severely depressed or in suicidal patients. Iproniazid, a drug developed to treat tuberculosis, surprisingly showed an antidepressant activity in patients diagnosed with TB and who concurrently suffered from depression. Clinical studies indicated that Iproniziad inhibited the monoamine oxidase (MOA) enzyme A and B. These enzymes are responsible in metabolizing serotonin and subsequent monoamines .Furthermore; it also increased the serotonin concentrations in the brain thus helping in supporting the serotonin hypothesis of depression (Louie and Meltzer, 2004). Tryptophan Levels. In many clinical studies, an acute depletion of tryptophan leads to a frequent occurrence of mild depression symptoms even after treatment with antidepressants, this occurs by lowering the serotonin levels in the brain thus it can be a fundamental aspect in supporting the hypothesis. Tryptophan depletion in the brain is somehow a non-selective tool in probing the hypothesis, furthermore, its studies were not effective in alleviating depression (Fairburn and Smith, 1997). Tryptophan is an amino acid which most likely affects protein synthesis. The decrease in its levels probably affects the brain and mood by starving pathways of metabolism for example by impairing the kynurenic acid synthesis or neurobiological and quinoline substances.50 percent of patients diagnosed and treated with interferon alpha develop symptoms of depression after treatment. Another evidence that correlates with this study indicates that interferon alpha enhances the induction of indole amine 2, 3 dioxygenase, thus leading to the decrease in levels of tryptophan in the brain, therefore decrease in serotonin is involved herein (Fairburn and Smith, 1997). Another drug Imipramine, a tricyclic antidepressant (TCA) prototype, was originally developed to treat schizophrenia but unluckily, the drug failed and it did not induce its antipsychotic effect but favorably showed actions against depression symptoms in patients with schizophrenia. Consequently, imipramine was successfully adopted to induce the antidepressant effect on the body. In the 1960, chemical studies showed that other TCAs and imipramine blocked the serotonin reuptake .Within that same period, reports indicated that the precursors of serotonin, induced antidepressant effects and increased the brain serotonin levels in study animals (Fairburn and Smith, 1997). It has been reported that in particular patients, depression is precipitated by chronic depletion of serotonin due to vesicular monoamine transport inhibitor, reserpin. In high doses, it depletes extracellular and storage levels of serotonin, noradrenalin, and dopamine making it consistent to ascribe depressogenic effects of reserpine to one neurotransmitter. Studies have indicated that the link between depression and chronic reserpine treatment remains contentious. Studies done later on chronic reserpine treatments indicated less frequent depressogenic effects, a factor in varying the findings could be attributed to the differential schedules of dosing. In addition to that, chronic reserpine induces a weak antidepressant effect rather than a pro-depressant effect, so the cause of disagreement still lies in establishing whether the probability of depression is elicited by the deficiency of serotonin in neurotransmission (Stanley, 1985). Biomarkers or indirect measures have been used to probe for the brains serotonin system integrity over the last four decades. A primary metabolite of cerebrospinal fluids serotonin is 5 hydroxyindoleacetic acid. It reflects the levels of 5-HIAA utilized as an index of neurotransmission within the brain. Studies have indicated a correlation between depression and low levels of CSF 5- HIAA and regarded them as inconsistent. The finding that is more robust is the relationship between aggression, suicidality or impulsivity with low 5 HIAA (Stanley, 1985). Acute stimulation of serotonin triggers a secretion of hormone prolactin, there is a complex mechanism involved in the release of the hormone, which is not defined. It appears that the mechanism involved includes oxytocin neurotransmitters .The amount of prolactin in the plasma increases fenfluramine, a brain serotonin biomarker, that challenges prolactin, where lower serotonin levels reflect a blunted response by the hormone ( Stanley, 1985). In depressed patients, low 5HIAA indicates that there is a minimal response of plasma prolactin to fenfluramine. Furthermore, inhibiting plasma prolactin due to activation of fenfluramine is more insightful in severely depressed patients. In addition to that, aggression and suicidality are also present. Increased cortical receptors, 5HT2AR of serotonin have been associated with depression, there is also a link between an increase in frontal 5 HT2ARs receptors and suicide. In contrast to this, there is a decrease in hippocampal receptors 5HT2ARs in chronic depressed people therefore indicating that necessarily, up regulation of serotonin receptors does not occur in depressed patients. A large groups of scientists report a lack of association in the levels of frontal cortex 5HT2ARr and suicide (Louie and Meltzer, 2004). In conclusion, the serotonin hypothesis might not be wrong or true but it might be incomplete. The association of serotonin levels with depression as the primary syndrome is not entirely conclusive. Considering the diversity of symptoms, disease severity in patients and the numerous etiology that underlie depression as a syndrome, its extremely difficult to associate depression to a particular body mechanism such as serotonin depletion within the brain. Nevertheless, when we shift focus to the analysis of severe depression or suicidality, an association of serotonin biomarker findings suggest that the serotonin deficiency could be linked to depression in some populations but the link does not essentially prove to be the cause. SSRI antidepressants reveal a superiority that is convincing over placebos entirely in depression that is severe while in adult depressed patients, studies indicate that antidepressants have the least effect against depression. It is therefore much persuading to include a hypothesis on serotonin deficiency (lack or a low level) as significantly a causal factor in particular subsets of depression patients and not completely all cases of depression. References Angel, M. (2000). Essential pharmacological neuroscientific basis and practical applications. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Coppen, O.D. (1967). The biochemistry of serotonin and depression. British journal of Psychiatry, 114(12), 37 64. Fairburn, C.G. Smith, K.A. (1997). Depression relapses after a quick depletion of tryptophan. British Journal of Psychiatry, 34 (4), 5 9. Kandel, E.R. Schwartz, J. H. (1992). Principles of Neuroscience. New York: Elsevier Science. Louie, A.K. Meltzer, H.Y. (2004). Serotonin potentiating of antidepressant treatment. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 4(6), 316-322. Mannl, J. (1989). Evidence of the serotonin hypothesis of suicide. A review of postmortem studies. Journal of Psychiatry, 155, 7-14. Meltzer,H.Y. Lowy,M.T. (1987). The Serotonin Hypothesis of Depression in Psychopharmacology. The Third Generation of Progress. (2nd Edition). New York: Raven Press. Moreno, F. Kramer, P. (2002). Roles of serotonin and depression. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 51 (1), 5-1. Sanders, B. E. (1988). The serotonin receptors. New Jersey: Clifton Press. Smith, W.K. (1987). The stress analogy. (1st Edition). New York: Mc Graw Hill. Stanley, M. (1985). Correlations between aminergic metabolites simultaneously obtained from human CSF brain. Journal of Life Science, 37 (12), 79-86. Steward, 0. (1988). Principles of cellular molecular and developmental neuroscience. New York: McGraw Hill.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Levi Strauss Co Essay Example
Levi Strauss Co Essay Levi Strauss Co. (LSCO) is a privately held clothing company known worldwide for its Levis brand of denim jeans. It was founded in 1853 when Levi Strauss came from Buttenheim, Franconia, (Kingdom of Bavaria) to San Francisco, California to open a west coast branch of his brothers New York dry goods business. Although the company began producing denim overalls in the 1870s, modern jeans were not produced until the 1920s. The company briefly experimented (in the 1970s) with employee ownership and a public stock listing, but remains owned and controlled by descendants and relatives of Levi Strauss four nephews. Organization Levi Strauss Co. is a worldwide corporation organized into three geographic divisions: Levi Strauss Americas (LSA), based in the San Francisco headquarters; Levi Strauss Europe, Middle East and Africa (LSEMA), based in Brussels; and Asia Pacific Division (APD), based in Singapore. The company employs a staff of approximately 10,500 people worldwide, and owns and develops a few brands. Levis, the main brand, was founded in 1873 in San Francisco, specializing in riveted denim jeans and different lines of casual and street fashion. [2] Levis, under the leadership of Jay Walter Haas Sr. Peter Haas Sr. , Paul Glasco and George P. Simpkins Sr. , expanded the firms clothing line by adding new fashions and models, including stone-washed jeans through the acquisition of Great Western Garment Co. (GWG), a Canadian clothing manufacturer. GWG was responsible for the introduction of the modern stone washing technique, still in use by Levi Strauss. Mr. Simpkins is credited with the c ompanys record paced expansion of its manufacturing capacity from fewer than 16 plants to more than 63 plants in the United States from 1964 through 1974. We will write a custom essay sample on Levi Strauss Co specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Levi Strauss Co specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Levi Strauss Co specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Perhaps most impressive, however, was Levis expansion under Simpkins was accomplished without a single unionized employee as a result of Levis and the Haas families strong stance on human rights and Simpkins use of pay for performance manufacturing at the sewing machine operator level up. As a result, Levis plants were perhaps the highest performing, best organized and cleanest textile facilities of their time. Levis even piped in massive amounts of air conditioning for the comfort of Levis workers into its press plants, which were known in the industry to be notoriously hot. 004 saw a sharp decline of GWG in the face of global outsourcing, so the company was closed and the Edmonton manufacturing plant shut down. [3] The Dockers brand, launched in 1986[4] which is sold largely through department store chains, helped the company grow through the mid-1990s, as denim sales began to fade. Dockers were introduced into Europe in 1993. Levi Strauss attempted to sell the Dockers division in 2004 to relieve part of the companys $2 billion outstanding debt. [5] Launched in 2003, Levi Strauss Signature features jeanswear and casualwear. 6] In November 2007, Levis released a mobile phone in co-operation with ModeLabs. Many of the phones cosmetic attributes are customisable at the point of purchase. [edit] Company Background In 1853, Bavarian immigrant Levi Strauss founded Levi Strauss and Company which is now the world’s largest brand-name apparel marketers with sales in more than a hundred and ten countries. At present, there is no other company with an equivalent international presence in the jeans and casual pants markets. The company’s market-leading apparel products are sold under the brands of Levi’s, Dockers and Levi Strauss Signatures. It was in 1873 when the Levi’s jeans, the world’s first jeans, were born when Levi Strauss and Jacob Davis, a tailor from Nevada, patented the process of putting rivets in pants to make it stronger. The Levi’s trademark is currently one of the most recognized in the world and is registered in more than a hundred and sixty countries. From a company with fifteen salespeople, two plants, and almost no business east of the Mississippi in 1946, the organization grew in thirty years to include a sales force of more than 22,000, with 50 plants and offices in 35 countries. 7] The company took on multi-billion dollar debt in February 1996 to help finance a series of leveraged stock buyouts among family members. Shares in Levi Strauss stock are not publicly traded; the firm is today owned almost entirely by indirect descendants and relatives of Levi Strauss, whose four nephews inherited the San Francisco dry goods firm after their uncles death in 1902. [16] The corporation s bonds are traded publicly, as are shares of the companys Japanese affiliate, Levi Strauss Japan K. K. After more than two decades of family ownership, rumors of a possible public stock offering were floated in the media in July 2007. [23] Values and Vision We are the embodiment of the energy and events of our time, inspiring people from all walks of life with a pioneering spirit. We are the embodiment of the energy and events of our times, inspiring people with a pioneering spirit. We believe that business can drive profits through principles, and that our values as a company and as individuals give us a competitive advantage. Empathy  walking in other people’s shoes? Empathy begins with paying close attention to the world around us. We listen and respond to the needs of our customers, employees and other stakeholders. Originality  being authentic and innovative? The pioneering spirit that started in 1873 with the very first pair of blue jeans still permeates all aspects of our business. Through innovative products and practices, we break the mold. Integrity  doing the right thing ? Integrity means doing right by our employees, brands, company and society as a whole. Ethical conduct and social responsibility characterize our way of doing business. Courage  standing up for what we believe? It takes courage to be great. Courage is the willingness to tell the truth and to challenge hierarchy, accepted practice and conventional wisdom. It means standing by our convictions and acting on our beliefs. Levi Strauss Co. has been innovating since 1873, the year we created the world’s first blue jeans. Throughout its long history it has inspired change in the marketplace, the workplace and the world. Its worldwide leadership team, which includes the CEO and 11 executives, sets the company’s overall direction and is responsible for all major strategic, financial and operational decisions. Its company leaders around the world aspire to create the most innovative and relevant products in the marketplace, while upholding its values of empathy, originality, integrity and courage. Levi Strauss Co. prides itself on growing talent from within, and many of its senior-most leaders have risen through the company ranks over the past two or three decades. But to maintain its lead in the fast-changing fashion industry its leadership team also includes executives who bring leading-edge expertise and new ideas from other consumer companies and other industries.
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