Monday, May 18, 2020
Middle East Essay - 1502 Words
The Middle Eastern culture has many different nationalities within their population including Arabians, Iranians, Iraqis, Pakistanians, Egyptians, Saudi Arabians, and many more. The most common religion found in the Middle East is Muslim. However not every Middle Easterner is Muslim, there are also other religions just as in any country such as Christian and Jewish. There are more than seven million Muslims living in America and over 1.5 billion worldwide. Many Middle Eastern Muslims who are conservative with their religion do not eat pork or drink alcohol. Some eat only Halal meat, which is meat that is slaughtered according to Islamic tradition. Muslims pray five times a day facing Mecca, and also observe a holiday called Ramadan.†¦show more content†¦It is believed that on this night Muhammad first received the revelation of the Holy Quran, and according to the Quran, this is when God determines the course of the world for the following year. When the fast ends (the first day of the month of Shawwal) it is celebrated for three days in a holiday called Id-al-Fitr (the Feast of Fast Breaking). Gifts are exchanged, friends and family gather to pray in congregation and for large meals. In some cities fairs are held to celebrate the end of the Fast of Ramadan. The whole point of fasting is to achieve good, and the good that is acquired through the fast can be destroyed by five things. These five things include the telling of a lie, slander, denouncing someone behind their back, false oath, and greed. Muslim women are required to wear long dresses and scarves to cover their body. They also wear amulets for protection from the evil eye. Muslim people also burn incense to keep the evil eye away and to keep the evil eye away from the sick. Health is an important issue in the Muslim community. Muslims believe that the key to good health is good hygiene and diet. They place a high value in modern Western medicine and have confidence in the medical profession. Muslim families do not wait long to seek professional help and are usually anxious to receive medicine as soon as possible. They also listen carefully to what the health care provider is saying andShow MoreRelatedThe Middle East821 Words  | 4 Pagesorientalist idea of the Middle East. It represented the faulty equation of Islam= Muslim= Arab= terrorist or religious fanatics. From the image of the magazine cover, a man dressed in the Middle-East attire can be seen standing on what looks like a balcony with the landscape of the Middle-East in the background. The image in the background presented the Middle East as underdeveloped in an effective manner. The image in the foreground by the top right corner signified the Middle East as an oil-hoardingRead MoreThe Middle East2106 Words  | 9 Pagesbeen more relevant than in the Middle East. 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